Varicose veins, spider veins and vein disease can become complicated terms. “What causes varicose veins? How do I get rid of spider veins? Is varicose vein removal painful?” When we first meet with a new patient, they typically have numerous questions regarding the condition. If you’ve been keeping up with our blog, you’ll have read about what causes spider veins, or the different varicose vein treatment options, but we decided to create a quick overview of the most commonly asked questions regarding varicose and spider veins.
Read on to learn the answers to your questions. And if you’re in Atlantic County, Cape May County or Ocean County, New jersey, give Shore Vascular & Vein Center a call at (609) 927-VEIN (8346) for more information or to schedule an appointment.
What’s the difference between varicose veins and spider veins?
Varicose veins are the swollen, blueish veins that can become visible through the skin. Spider veins are smaller and don’t cause as much discomfort. With both issues, the size and appearance can vary, but they almost always appear on the legs. Many people with venous disease will experience both types of veins.
What causes varicose veins?
Venous reflux disease is essentially what causes varicose veins. When vein valves become weakened, damaged or diseased, it can result in vein valve failure which then leads to reflux or a backward flow in the veins and a pooling of blood causes which pressure in the leg veins to increase. The increased pressure can cause surface veins to become swollen, or varicose, which creates the noticeably visible veins on the legs.
What are some varicose veins symptoms? How do I know if I have venous reflux disease?
Besides being able to see the blue or bulging veins along your legs, you’ll probably experience discomfort. People with varicose veins and venous reflux disease may feel leg pain, leg heaviness, leg fatigue and/or leg swelling. You can feel these symptoms without finding any visible veins though. With early diagnosis and treatment, long term complications can usually be prevented.
I can’t be the only one with this problem, who else is at risk for varicose veins?
In the United States, nearly 70 percent of women and 45 percent of men experience some kind of vein disorder. In fact, half of people aged 50 years or older are affected by varicose veins. Having a medical or familial history of the disease will increase the likelihood someone will be diagnosed with the problem. Age, sex, weight and even occupation (if you have a job that requires prolonged standing or sitting) can also be factors.
How are varicose veins and venous reflux diagnosed?
An experienced vascular specialist, like one of our team members at Shore Vascular & Vein Center, can make the diagnosis after a quick consultation appointment. After better learning your medical history, a physical examination and a painless doppler ultrasound, we’ll be able to make an accurate diagnosis, which is essential in the treatment process.
How are varicose and spider veins treated?
There are several ways to treat varicose and spider veins, at Shore Vascular & Vein Center. Some of these are the Excel V Laser System, sclerotherapy, phlebectomy and Venefit. Your diagnosis will determine which treatment method will work best. These treatments are all minimally invasive or noninvasive, which means procedures are relatively quick (and are usually completed within a half hour) and recovery almost immediate.