People frequently ask if one particular time of year is better than others to have varicose vein removal Ocean County NJ. While we are able to treat veins at any time, during any season, the winter is often the most convenient and preferable season for many people. There are multiple reasons for this which will be described below.
Reasons for Winter Varicose Vein Treatment
Many varicose vein treatments require the temporary use of compression stockings. Many of the stockings made today are actually quite comfortable to wear. However, they are not very fashionable when worn with shorts. During the winter months, we are usually wearing long pants rather than shorts. Therefore, the compression stockings are hidden under the pants. Also, being close to the Shore, many people want to spend a lot of time at the beach. This is not very conducive to the use of compression stockings either. Having your veins treated during the winter months avoids these issues.
The second reason that winter is a preferable time to treat varicose veins for many people is that certain treatments require limiting sun exposure for a period of time after treatment. Therefore, for most, limiting sun exposure with varicose vein removal Ocean County NJ is usually not a problem during the winter months in our region.
The third reason that winter is preferable is that people often want to have their legs ready for summer. However, they don’t leave enough time time to schedule treatment and allow for complete healing before summer arrives. Unfortunately, it is quite common for people to make their first consultation to learn about treatment in April or May. Then to want treatment completed and their cosmetic results maximized before Memorial Day! We always try to complete people’s treatments in their desired time-frame. However, there needs to be enough time to obtain insurance authorization for covered procedures. We then need to schedule and complete the necessary treatment. If we begin the process long before summer gets here, it is easy to have varicose vein removal Ocean County NJ completed before “shorts season”.
Treatment for Varicose Veins
If you are experiencing the discomfort or appearance of unsightly varicose veins, treatment is easier than you might realize. At Shore Vascular & Vein Center, we treat varicose and spider veins with minimally invasive procedures, such as Closure (Venefit), sclerotherapy, microphlebectomy and Excel V laser. Most treatments are completed right in the office and do not require hospitalization. Patients typically experience little to no discomfort and get back to work and other usual activities within about a day. In addition, depending on the condition being treated, many procedures are covered by health insurance. In our center, all procedures are performed by Dr. Jeffrey Gosin, a Board Certified vascular surgeon with over 20 years experience with thousands of successful vein treatment procedures.
Shore Vascular & Vein Center is the premiere center for the treatment of vascular conditions, serving individuals in Atlantic County, Cape May County, Cumberland County, Ocean County and the surrounding areas in southern New Jersey. Call (609) 927-VEIN (8346) to schedule a consultation or visit us on the web at