You may have worked for months or years to achieve your dream figure by losing excess pounds and building more fat-burning muscle mass. And yet, after all your hard work, you’re still left with frustrating rolls of fat around your middle, thighs, back, or chin.
Exercise-resistant fat is a common problem. So common, in fact, that in 2018 more than a quarter million women and men in the United States elected to remove their bulges with surgical liposuction, while another 300,000 sculpted away fat with minimally invasive body-contouring techniques.
If you’re tired of being frustrated by exercise-resistant fatty pockets and bulges, the team at Shore Vascular and Vein Center in Somers Point, New Jersey can help. Under the guidance of founder Jeffrey S. Gosin, MD, FACS, we offer FDA-cleared WarmsSculpting™ with SculpSure® to comfortably and permanently remove stubborn fat around your body and neck.
Melt fat without lifting a finger
A WarmSculpting with SculpSure treatment is relaxing and soothing. While you recline in the treatment chair, we fit you with treatment paddles that will remove fat from your area(s) of choice, including:
- Abdomen
- Hips
- Flanks
- Saddle bags
- Thighs
- Upper arms
- Back
- Chin
At first, the treatment feels cool as the SculpSure device prepares your skin. Then you’ll feel warm, tingly, pulsing sensations as the heat passes through to your fat cells. Each pulse of warmth is strong enough to completely disrupt the integrity and structure of the fat cells, but not strong enough to damage your skin.
After your 25-minute treatment, you’re free to return to your normal daily activities. WarmSculpting with SculpSure requires no downtime or recovery at all.
Let your body do the work
Once SculpSure’s energy destroys the fat cells, your body starts to break them down and eliminate them. The cell debris and fat get processed through your lymphatic system, which gradually excretes them over the next three months. After the fat cells have been destroyed and excreted, they can’t grow back, so the treatment provides permanent results.
You may need a series of treatments to whittle down your figure to your ideal shape. Dr. Gosin recommends leaving a month or two between WarmSculpting with SculpSure sessions to give your body time to start eliminating the fat cells. You may start to see a change in your circumference in just six weeks.
The final step
WarmSculpting with SculpSure eliminates inches of fat, once and for all. However, the main difference is in your circumference, not your weight. WarmSculpting with SculpSure is a body-contouring procedure, not a weight-loss treatment.
Dr. Gosin recommends WarmSculpting with SculpSure to women and men who already have a stable weight, aren’t planning any further weight loss, and are unlikely to gain a significant amount of weight again. Although fat cells can’t grow back, the fat cells that weren’t treated could stretch and create flabby areas if you don’t maintain your weight.
To put the finishing touches on your figure, contact us today for a WarmSculpting with SculpSure treatment. Phone us at 609-297-5992 or request an appointment online.