You’re absolutely committed to your health, and so you eat a diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruits, and exercise regularly, no matter what. Despite all of your dedication, though, you still have a few stubborn inches of fat that you’d like to just melt away in time for bathing suits and shorts weather. But you’re not interested in stressing yourself out even more.

You’re in luck. You can relax the fat away through soothing, noninvasive WarmSculpting™ with SculpSure® body-contouring treatments at the Shore Vascular and Vein Center in Somers Point, New Jersey. Jeffrey Gosin, MD and his team are your fat-busting trainers, but they do all the work.

First, lie down

When you receive your FDA-cleared WarmSculpting with SculpSure treatment, you don’t have to press weights or do crunches. You simply lie comfortably on the treatment table. Dr. Gosin or one of our other Shore Vascular and Vein Center medical experts attaches the treatment paddles to fatty areas you’d like to melt away, such as:

  • Double chin
  • Muffin top
  • Saddle bags
  • Flank fat
  • Love handles
  • Bra fat
  • Back fat
  • Inner thighs
  • Outer thighs

WarmSculpting with SculpSure is a hands-free treatment, so once we’ve put the treatment devices in place, they stay that way for the duration of your therapy.

Second, take a snooze

Short naps are refreshing and energizing. Feel free to take one while SculpSure’s laser energy reaches deep into your adipose (medical term for “fatty”) layers, where it targets your unwanted fat cells. Over the next 25 minutes, the laser’s thermal energy disrupts the structure of the fat cells so they break down, while the cooling device keeps your skin unharmed.

Third, get back to your day

WarmSculpting with SculpSure treatments don’t require any recovery time. Once your fat-busting session is over, you can get back to whatever activities you had planned. You can take a walk, exercise, or go shopping for the new clothes you’ll need as you shed inches over the next several months.

Fourth, delegate the work to your lymph system

Destroying fat cells is SculpSure’s job. Eliminating the debris from the compromised cells is your lymphatic system’s job. Over the next weeks to months, your body processes your unwanted fat cells, gradually eliminating them through the natural excretion process.

Fifth, break out the measuring tape

While your body needs time to eliminate fat, each WarmSculpting with SculpSure treatment reduces treatment areas by as much as 24%. After a couple of weeks, compare your new measurements to those you took before your treatment. You may need a series of up to three sessions to get the results you want, which can be up to three inches of fat loss.

Sixth, enjoy your mirror

After you’ve reached your goal circumference, your new figure is yours to enjoy for life. Fat cells don’t grow back, so as long as you maintain your weight, you’ll maintain your shapely physique.

Because you might need up to three non-invasive body-sculpting treatments, which must be scheduled a month apart, starting on Warm Treatment with SculpSure today helps you reach your goal figure by summer. Set up your first appointment by calling us at 609-297-5992 or using the handy online contact form.

Jersey Shore Surgical Group Shore Vascular & Vein Center located in Somers Point, NJ is excited to announce a new accreditation by the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) in Vein Center in the area of Superficial Venous Treatment and Management.


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