If you want to know how effective and successful sculpting your body with a noninvasive body contouring procedure like SculpSure® really is, just look at the statistics. In 2020 — despite the pandemic lockdown — almost 360,000 women and men reshaped their bodies without surgery. That’s only a 7% drop from 2019, before the virus kept us all inside.
Now that vaccines have opened up the world again, the body contouring stats will undoubtedly climb even higher. Especially since so many people put on a few extra pandemic inches and now want to get rid of them for good.
Jeffrey Gosin, MD and our team love the results we get with SculpSure at Shore Vascular and Vein Center in Somers Point, New Jersey. If you’re still wavering about whether to move forward with your body sculpting dreams, here are three reasons why SculpSure by CynoSure® settles the point (and gets rid of excess fat) for good.
1. SculpSure sculpts away both facial and body fat
If you have multiple areas you’d like to treat, the FDA-cleared SculpSure system gives you the flexibility to do just that. You can resculpt both your face and body by using SculpSure’s light-based energy to disrupt and eliminate fat cells in your:
- Abdomen
- Hips
- Thighs
- Chin
- Neck
- Back
During your consultation, you tell us exactly which areas of your body and face you’d like to improve. Say good-bye to your double chin, adios to your saddle bags, and sayonara to that stubborn muffin top.
2. SculpSure is easy, comfy, and fast
While staying in shape with regular exercise is still essential to your health, you don’t have to spend countless, fruitless hours in the gym trying to spot-treat stubborn areas of fat. First, spot exercise will never work, especially on the areas of your body that tend to accumulate bulges.
Most exercise-resistant fat, in fact, is determined by your individual genetics. But SculpSure doesn’t care about your genes. It just wants to help you fit into your jeans.
In sessions that only last about one hour, we use SculpSure’s noninvasive laser energy to destroy the integrity of unwanted and unneeded fat cells. You relax comfortably while the laser does the work, though you may feel warm or tingly as it zaps your fat cells. You can return to normal activities directly after treatment.
3. SculpSure keeps skin firm
You’ve seen the unfortunate results when someone’s lost too much weight too quickly: long, loose pouches of sagging skin. SculpSure is different. Each session only removes about 24% of excess fat at a time. Your body then takes weeks to months to break down the fat cells and eliminate them.
Because SculpSure works with your body’s natural processes, your body has time to acclimate to the gradual loss of fat, and you’re not left with sagging skin. In addition, the laser energy stimulates your skin to produce more strengthening collagen and elastin, which is why our patients notice tighter, firmer skin after SculpSure sessions.
Most patients need a series of treatments to achieve their ideal results, but each case is different. During your consultation, we estimate how many treatments you need to reach your body sculpting goals.
To start sculpting your body, call 609-297-5992 and book a SculpSure consultation and treatment today. You can also use the handy online contact form to request an appointment.